افضل مواضيع جميلة بالصور

اذاعة صباحية باللغة الانجليزية

In the name of Allah
Welcome every body in my school
Praise be to Allah , the Lord of the world .The Most Gracious , the Most Merciful . . . And peace and blessing of Allah be upon the noblest of the Prophets our prophet Mohammad peace be upon him . .We start our broadcast by some verses of the Holy Qur’an by…….
No Person Like Our Prophet Mohammad ( peace be upon him )
Mohammad was a teacher , a social reformer , a moral guide , and administrative colossus , a faithful friend , a wonderful companion a devoted husband , a loving father , all good manners in our prophet . .
It is a great shame , indeed , for any person to ridicule the savior of the humanity.
Our prophets speech introduced by
The student ;
The prophet (the blessing and peace be upon him)
Said that do not consider the smallest deed as insignificant even meeting your brother with
Cheerful face
  • اذاعة صباحية باللغة الانجليزية
اخر نساء النبي محمد موتا
صور لالف مبروك