تعبير عن بالانجليزي

عن تعبير بالانجليزي 20160908 229

The last prophet ,
Muhammad[peace be upon him ]was born in Makkah on Monday,12th Rabi al Awwal .
He was born an orphan .

He was brought up by his grandfather .

His uncle ,
Abu Talib ,

took care of him when he was eight years old .

When he was ten or twelve years old ,

he used to look after the sheep around Makkah .

Muhammad was loving ,

kind ,

generous ,
helpful and honest man .

He was an example of prefect character .
He lived a very simple life .

He was fair in his dealings with all people whether they are friends or enemies .
He was known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin .

He was injured by Quraish but he completed his duty .

we must follow him and interrupt all people who try to deform something about his life .
And what happen in Denmark nowadays is an example of this deed .

we should face every person try to assault him ,

this is one of our duties towards him

The last prophet ,
Muhammad[peace be upon him ] النبى الاخير،
محمد (عليه السلام)

was born in Makkah on Monday,12th Rabi al Awwal .

ولد فمكة ،

يوم الاثنين الثاني عشر من ربيع الاول

He was born an orphan .

هو ولد يتيما

He was brought up by his grandfather .

هو ربي من قبل جده

His uncle ,
Abu Talib ,

took care of him when he was eight years old

عمة ،

ابو طالب اعتني فيه عندما كان عمرة 8 سنوات

When he was ten or twelve years old ,

he used to look after the sheep around Makkah .

عندما كان عمرة 10 او 11 سنة ،
هو كان يرعي الخراف حول مكه

Muhammad was loving ,

kind ,

generous ,
helpful and honest man

محمد كان محبوب ،

رجل صادق و مساعد و كريم و رحيم

He was an example of prefect character


كان مثال للشخصيه الحكيمه

He lived a very simple life .

عاش حياة بسيطة جدا

He was fair in his dealings with all people whether they are friends or enemies .

هو كان عادل فتعاملة مع الناس سواء كانوا اصدقاء او اعداء

He was known as Al-Sadiq and Al-Amin .

هو كان معروف بالصادق الامين

He was injured by Quraish but he completed his duty


هو اوذى من قبل قريش لكنة اكمل و اجبه

we must follow him and interrupt all people who try to deform something about his life .

نحن يجب ان نتبعة و نقاطع جميع الناس اللذين يحاولون تشوية اي شيء حول حياته

And what happen in Denmark nowadays is an example of this deed .

we should face every person try to assault him ,

this is one of our duties towards him

والذى يحدث فالدنمارك فالوقت الحاضر مثال ذلك العمل .

نحن يجب ان نواجة جميع محاوله شخص لمهاجمتة ،

هذه احد و اجباتنا نحوه

تعبير عن بالانجليزي