مقولات شكسبير بالانجليزي

مقولات شكسبير بالانجليزي

Love me or hate me!
I have all my favorites if you love me,
I will be always in your heart if you

Hate me,
I will be always in mind.

* We know the other lessons in the shedding of blood .
If we kept the lesson we have experience.

* When someone ignore you .
I understand you have more important .

* When the person can not be contemplated at your first meeting,
I know that for Aigaaom love you .

* If a defeated smile .
Lost the pleasure of winning the victor .

* When hugged by someone,
and feel that his lap is not any Kmthel embrace,
I know that you need .

* When the shivering person in front of you and can not control the Tsrvaath .
Anzeroth front of you and I know and all

Bassaath it .
To Aihpk but Aahqk .
* If you are honest,
why the alliance .

* Three do not like women.:.
The most beautiful woman of them .
It asks her about her age .
It asks her about her past .

* Tear convince the man the woman Vtguenaha kiss .

* The girl does not believe in rational love for love,
but love to believe in marriage .

* Heart does not care .
Live long .

* In three men the woman’s life .
a man who respected,
and brother,
a man who fears in .
And the pair
The man who loved her and love .

* Dumbest woman can fool the smartest man and the smartest woman asshole easily fooled by a man .

* Large eyes reflect the openness and innocence

Narrow eyes reflect the deceit,
cunning and malice and hatred

Dreamy eyes show emotion thin

المقال الاصلي من هنا: منتديات حزن العشاق اقوال شكسبير مترجة للانجليزي
Eye color Alzerquaouih which indicate the stubbornness.

* Between the lips of all the women in the world of the poison and honey

* That grief silent whisper of the heart,
even regaining .

* If I love will not be able to see .
Because love is blind.

* The women inspire great great man .
The women stir up interest in smart while we find that women

Fine does not move in a man more than just a feeling of admiration .

And compassionate,
but the woman .
Women Alhnon …

Alone to win the great man in the end.

* Laugh when the woman was able to cry,
but when she wanted .


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  • شعر شكسبير
  • مقولات شكسبير بالانجليزي

مقولات شكسبير بالانجليزي