كلمات عتاب بالانجليزية


كلمات عتاب بالانجليزية 20160912 931

Ant in Ksotk with patience and let me satisfy you that I was forsaking who satisfy you to help me

Atzera to love in my heart I am afraid and keep Matsekaya be the cause of the wounded and live life Adawiyeh

Owner’s share in Dniti financial share in the Dnitk Khalni Bhsrti live and you Thenne Bdnitk

After all of this unhappiness explain to miss Rdjatk Hsavh Gate late after they died Achoaki

Sorry for the strange world where tears Maiszew these are life who likes to spend his life in fatigue

Can Taibti Tjazzini mistakes are the days .

Teach me be tough .
and evacuated their eyes

Matnam .
Take it .
my game and my Zarro

Wounds and the mother,
he forgot the time .
going .

And the fate of their Lord,
Allam .
minimum Tjlaham .

Itanhm words and arrows!!

Some situations

Kyi and the spirit of Endowment

And some positions

Echoed by the rest of the age

My friend does not tire me or curse

Changed time

Is a moral and ethical

The Gate to welcome

What remains Jitni

More people Azith

From my heart .

Bibakali of me if I gave up

You’re the one who Bekkali my age .

What is love Take me I’m Old Jet

Love and pause between Gali,

Dream Play DownLoad

Shufa living for the dead

Go for days

I took nights

In Geptk

The heart of Islih

Much love from NATO Maikhonk

In Geptk

My heart shattered aspirations

She hated all over the world

And I would like being a

In the internal sense

Ignorant of the Meanings

Old firm firm .

The feelings Ibounk .

That was torturing me

Satisfied and the satisfaction

Atunai torment and take the function HE

Jilt on the Hi

And provided your challenge

I rather abandonment

I love increase

You me cry every Mamr Tarik

Lin weeping becomes with time,

Whatever happens,
Manny Bnasek

Your name Nakecth water above and pillow

Baodek .

And I want to say my heart with you

Baodek .

Eddie wig and a Beauty of your hand .

The breath of my soul is dying .

Dhamri in such hot .

I walk the path with the old

Ohojs Bhzi Aotaim .

And mourn at that time .

Who disappeared from the security .

And lost love …??!!

You know darling for a long time betray me

And you know that Maehmk Yali not satisfied

And know that time is unfair and you are darker than

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كلمات عتاب بالانجليزية