موضوع عن الارهاب بالانجليزى

موضوع عن بالانجليزى الارهاب 20160915 1531

هذا تعبير عن …..


The world nowadays suffer from terrorism phenomenon.
There are many people die without reasons in the world because they face terrorists.
These phenomenon spread in the world for many reasons.
the terrorists are persons who live without purpose in the life.
For example,
some of them do not have a job,
and they do not work anywhere.
they do not get marriage.
Perhaps they complete their studying or not,
but they are stupid.
In my country they called themselves Muslims,
but they lie.
Because the Muslims do not kill people.
The Muslims afraid from Allah and do what make Allah happy to them.
They do not care about the society.
I heard they have problems with their families,
so they do not care about them.

those terrorists suffer from many problems in their life.
And that,
make them hate the life then kill themselves any way.
Maybe because they do not have work,
and they feel themselves poor in the society.
they decide to kill themselves and people whom around them.
Sometimes because they have some objections about the rules in their countries,
and they want to change it.

In addition,
they hate their countries,
so they try to kill some of VIP in the society.
For example,
they try to kill police,
president and businessman.
In my country they killed many people such as policeman,
citizen and children.
they exploded a mine building on the kingdom of Saudi Arabia as police building in Riyadh.

Most importantly,
we have to face terrorism phenomenon with strength and try to help police to destroy the terrorists.
Because those people are very dangerous,
and they do not care about anything.
The world and people need to live in quiet and peace without terrorism.


العالم اليوم يعانى من ظاهره الارهاب.
هنالك الكثير من الناس يموتون بدون سبب لانهم يواجهون ارهابيين.
هذه الظاهرة انتشرت فالعالم لعددمن الاسباب .

الارهابيين هو اشخاص يعيشون بدون اهداف فالحياة .

علي سبيل المثال : بعضهم لايملك و ضيفة ،

ولايعمل فاى مكان.
كذلك ،

بعضهم لم يتزوج .

وربما منهم من اكمل دراستة و البعض الاخر لم يكملها و لكنهم اغبياء.
فى بلدى هم يسمون انفسهم مسلمين ،

ولكنهم يكذبون .

لان المسلم لايقتل الناس .

المسلم يخاف من الله و يفعل ما يرضى الله .

هو لايبالون بالمجتمع من حولهم .

سمعت ان لديهم مشاكل مع اهاليهم لذا هو لايهتمون بهم .

هؤلاء الارهابيين يعانون من مشاكل فحياتهم .

وهذا ما يجعلهم يكرهون الحياة و يقتلون انفسهم على [اية طريقه.
ربما لانهم لايعملون و لان الفقر هو الاسباب =فذلك.
لذا هم يقتلون انفسهم مع من حولهم .

احيانا يفعلون هذا لانهم يعترضون على بعض القوانين فالدولة و يريدون تغييرها .

بالاضافة الى،
كرههم لبلدهم يدفعهم الى قتل الناس المهمة فمجتمعهم ،

علي سبيل المثال رجال الامن و رجال الاعمال و الرئيس.
فى بلدى هم قتلو الشرطة و المواطنين و الاطفال .

فى الواقع ،

هم فجروا مبني رئيسى كمبني الامن العام فالرياض .

من المهم جدا،
ان نواجة ظاهرة الارهاب بقوه ،

ونحاول ان نساعد الشرطة على القضاء على الارهابيين.
لان هؤلاء الرهابيين جدا جدا خطرين ،

ولايبالون باى شيء .

فالعالم و الناس يحتاجون الى ان يعيشوا فسلام و هدوء دون ارهاب .


Most importantly,
we have to face terrorism phenomenon with strength and try to help police to destroy the terrorists.
Because those people are very dangerous,
and they do not care about anything.
The world and people need to live in quiet and peace without terrorism.

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موضوع عن الارهاب بالانجليزى