افضل مواضيع جميلة بالصور

لوح خشبي

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NOTE: This dictionary is currently only English to Arabic.
Here are the lines from the English to Arabic side that include ‘لوح خشبي’.
WordReference English-Arabic Dictionary © 2024:
Matching entries from other side of dictionary
board n (wooden strip) (من الخشب) لوح خشبي
Somebody put a board over the mud so people could walk on it.
وضع احدهم لوحا على الطين لكي يمشي عليه الناس.
board n (school: blackboard) لوح خشبي
Come to the front of the class to write the answers on the board.
plank n (wooden board) لوح خشبي
clapboard n (building faade: horizontal planks) لوح خشبي
breadboard n (wooden slab for slicing bread) لوح خشبي لتقطيع الخبز
crossbeam n (horizontal plank or joist) عارضة ، لوح خشبي مساند
knothole n (hole in a piece of wood) ثقب في لوح خشبي
knot-hole n (hole in a piece of wood) ثقب في لوح خشبي
This board is no good for flooring because it has a knot-hole.
لا يصلح هذا اللوح لعمل الارضية لان به ثقب.
batten n (strip of solid material) عارضة خشبية، لوح خشبي
They asked for advice as to whether to use battens on the roof.
طلبوا النصح بخصوص استخدام العوارض على السطح
Is something important missing? Report an error or suggest an improvement.

  • لوح خشبي
  • لوح خشبية
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