افضل مواضيع جميلة بالصور

تعبير عن الخريف بالانجليزي

Autumn season

Autumn comes after summer but before winter, from the first day of September to the last day of November. However the months of autumn depend on what part of the world it is in relation to the equator. While it is autumn in September through November in the United States, Europe, as well as all the other countries in the Northern Hemisphere, for the Southern Hemisphere where Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Africa and Asia lie, autumn comes from March to May. At this time of year, the days start to get shorter as nights grow longer, giving people less daylight to enjoy. For example, in the mornings as children wait for the bus, they will notice in Autumn the sky is still dark when before the sun had already come up.
Signs of the Fall Season :
Autumn is one of the four temperate seasons that includes spring, summer and winter. Some people call autumn, “fall,” which refers to the leaves falling off the trees during this season. The falling of the leaves begins when the leaves change colors and go from being green, to burning red, golden yellow and vivid orange. Then as autumn continues, the leaves begin to rain from the tree branches signifying the end of the harvest time. Many people in Canada, the United States,Japan, China and Korea travel around their home countries during autumn just to watch the leaves change colors and fall off the trees because it is such a beautiful site of nature. In fact the tourist season of leaf watching is a popular time to go hiking, camping and enjoying being outside with nature since the temperatures are mild, as the heat of summer has past and the chill of winter has yet to come

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