افضل مواضيع جميلة بالصور

تعبير عن بالانجليزية

English has become the global language, the first and most widespread in the world. . English is the language of modern times. English language science and technology and scientific research. English language and computer language study at universities and institutes. English way of thinking as a means of communication with others and become acquainted with the culture is the key to a foreign culture . Language is a tool communication
between peoples and cultures . .Take advantage of the English language in the dissemination of the Islamic religion and Arab-Islamic culture. Learning English helps in raising good citizens defends the values and ideals of the nation and religion
Our Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him ) said :-
((From the language of folk custom security plot))

  • تعبير عن الايتام بالانجليزي
  • اجمل تعبير
مناظر كوريا الطبيعية
الكنافة بالقشطة _ لذيذه وشهيه